Medium:   Print Making: Fish
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: 907-491-1960

Terry presently owns and operates a conservation minded, sustainable salmon fishing business in Seward Alaska. His true inspiration is sharing his love for fishing and the wild outdoors with others. Whether it is the first fish of their lives or first fish of the day, they are all a fish of a lifetime. Terry began applying paint and canvas to clients’ catches for a unique way to preserve a memorable catch. This Guyotaku style of painting is an old Japanese method of recording a catch. Through much trial and error he has captured the magnitude of many of these catches. Recently he has started an international print collection as well as a series of local collections in the lower 48.  By transferring true to form elements of size and shape with eye catching, life like colors of acrylic on canvas, he has discovered a new trade that brings happiness and joy to this cranky old salt. By enhancing subtle details and distinct traits of each individual fish, Terry infuses personality and character into his paintings. these one-of-a kind originals can be custom sized as Giclee on canvas, metal or paper prints.